Steel Mace Pendulum 360

Steel Mace Pendulum 360

  This is a fun little exercise I like add to some of my steel mace workouts to switch things up. Break it down into two steps; 1. Traditional 360 swing 2. Pendulum Then, once you’ve built the movement pattern… try putting them together. Begin slowly and increase the tempo once you feel comfortable ensuring…

steel mace exercises

Steel Mace Figure Of 8

This exercise is awesome for builder circular shoulder strength, grip strength and rotational core strength. It’s a little more complex than many other steel mace exercises, so break it down into steps before attempting the entire movement. Want to discover more about steel mace training? Click here for more information on our Functional Strength Masterclass.…

Steel Mace Power Shovel

This is an exercise I picked up from the guys over at Newbreed macebell. It’s a very similar movement to the steel mace gravedigger, but more athletic and even more challenging. Throw this exercise into a circuit and see how high your heart rate gets, especially if you’re using a heavier weight – it’s a real…